Axis 1 - Increase protein concentration and nutritional value

In this axis, we analyze the genetic variability for the deviation from the negative yield - protein concentration (GPD) relationship and the nutritional value through the concentration of total and free amino acids. Among the free amino acids, we particularly look at asparagine whose concentration influences the acrylamide content after cooking, which is classified as potentially carcinogenic. In this context, we:

● validate the effect of genes on GPD using isogenic lines (NAM-A1, NADH-GOGAT-D) and analyze their effect in combination with NAM-B1, whose effect has been demonstrated.

● analyze the effects of the environment on NAM-B1 (nitrogen fertilization, water stress), characterize the modifications in the metabolic flows of nitrogen that explain the differences linked to the activation of the functional allele, and identify the protein partners of this gene (RemoBlé FSOV, collaboration UMR IJPB, UMR LEPSE, Arvalis, Limagrain).

● quantify the concentration of total and free amino acids in an experimental network and an association genetics panel in interaction with a water constraint in order to carry out association genetics (ISite Livable 4, UMR BFP collaboration).

● study the involvement of the UPR (Unfolded Protein Response) pathway which translates an Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress leading to protein misfolding. The accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins exceeding the repair capacities of the ER is a cellular stress that has been observed in other species in response to abiotic stresses. This approach aims to characterize genotypes contrasting in terms of tolerance to abiotic stresses more finely with respect to protein accumulation in the grain.


Schematic representation of the deviation from the negative yield-protein concentration (GPD) relationship. Each colored point represents a different variety and the black line represents the linear regression line against which the GPD is calculated. A correlation coefficient (R) of -0.8 is classically observed.