High-throughput sequencing & genotyping

The GENTYANE platform, labeled "Plateforme Nationale Strategique INRA" and IBiSA, is equipped with the latest technology for genotyping and high-throughput sequencing for all type of species. It carries out all regional, national and internal projects, involving public organizations, universities, private firms or international organizations. GENTYANE :

  1. develops and implements innovative tools and cutting-edge technologies for genomics,
  2. offers them to the community,
  3. maintains a technology survey in order to create innovative and cutting-edge tools that will efficiently meet the users' needs,
  4. provides training of users and customers.

It has the latest technology for SNPs genotyping, including Axiom Affymetrix, Illumina BeadXpress, Fluidigm Biomark and Lightcycler 489, as well as recent sequencing technologies (Roche 454 GS Junior and Illumina MiSeq).

For more information please visit gentyane.clermont.inra.fr (available in French only).

Laboratoire Gentyane
Batiment Gentyane