Completed research projects

Ex-IGE Multi-environmental evaluation of "exotic" bread wheat, association analyses and genomic predictions.

  • FSOV 2018-2022
  • Partners: Limagrain-Europe (Coord.), UMR GDEC, Biogemma, Caussade Semences, Florimond Desprez, Limagrain-Europe, KWS-Momont, RAGT, Secobra Recherche, Syngenta

GlutN Wheat and specific breads to resolve gluten sensitivity.

  • ANR 2018-2022
  • Partners: INRAE, INSERM, CNAM, Clermont Auvergne University, Universities Paris 13, 5, 7, CHU Clermont Auvergne, Dijon Céréales, Axiane Meunerie, CIFAP.

RemoBlé Improving nitrogen remobilization to increase protein concentration in wheat.

  • FSOV 2018-2022
  • Partners: UMR IJPB, UMR GDEC, UMR LEPSE, ARVALIS Institut-du-végétal, Limagrain Europe.

SolACE Solutions for improving agroecosystem and crop efficiency for water and nutrient use.

  • H2020 2017-2022
  • Partners: INRAE (Coord.), Agrobiota, (Germany), Agroscope (Switzerland), Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, (Austria), ARVALIS - Institut du végétal, France, CON.CER Societa Cooperativa Agricola (Italy), Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (Italy), De Ceuster Meststoffen NV (Belgium), European Conservation Agriculture Federation (Spain), Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Switzerland), INRA Transfert (France), James Hutton Institute (UK), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Linking Environment And Farming (UK), Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Hungary), SOLYNTA - Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Het Idee (The Netherlands), Sourcon Padena GmbH (Germany), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden), Sabancı University (Turkey), SYNGENTA (France), Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique), University of Évora (Portugal), University of Hohenheim (Germany), University of Newcastle (UK), Technical University of Madrid - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain).

Breedwheat Developing new wheat varieties for sustainable agriculture: an integrated approach from genomics to breeding.

  • ANR-France Agrimer IA 2011-2021
  • Partners: INRAE (coord.), ARVALIS Institut-du-végétal, Biogemma, and 9 breeders: AgriObtentions, BASF, Caussade Semences, Florimond Desprez, Limagrain-Europe, Momont, RAGT, Secobra Recherche, and Syngenta.

GlutNsafe Towards the selection of wheat varieties with more digestible gluten

  • FSOV 2016-2020
  • Partners: INRAE, Clermont Auvergne University, UniLaSalle Beauvais, Cerelab, ANMF

WheatOMICS Wheat omics variations driving agronomical traits in response to constraints.

  • France Génomique 2017-2021