Current research projects

Projects are listed by their start date

Projects 2023

BS-WHEAT Breeding for Safe Wheat: genetic markers and phenotypic traits for breeding wheat that accumulates less inorganic contaminants

  • ANR 2023-2026
  • Partners: UMR ISPA INRAE/Bordeaux Science Agro (Coord.), UMR GDEC INRAE/UCA, Arvalis-Institut du végétal, IPREM Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, USrave INRAE Bordeaux, GIE blé dur

ResiBlé: Impact of wheat grain hardness on climate change resilience and nutritional quality of products

  • Metaprogram INRAE Syalsa 2023-2024
  • Partners: UMR IATE INRAE/Université de Montpellier/Cirad/Montpellier SupAgro (Coord.), UMR GDEC INRAE/UCA, UMR SPO INRAE/Montpellier SupAgro/l'Université Montpellier, UMR TOXALIM INRAE/Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse/INP/Université de Toulouse III

Projects 2022

STABLE Evaluation of bioSTimulAnts from natural origin with a view to strengthening the tolerance of WHEAT plants to environmental stresses linked to climate change (drought and high temperatures).

  • Pack Ambition Recherche 2022-2025
  • Partners: Clermont Auvergne University (Coord.), Oxyane and Pascal institut (UMR 6602, CNRS/UCA/SIGMA)


StimoBlé Improvement of wheat resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses by a 100% biosourced multifunctional hydrogel.

  • Pack Ambition Internationale 2022-2024
  • Partners: Clermont Auvergne University (Coord.), Marrakech Cadi Ayyad University (Maroc).

Projects 2021

SNNAC Study of a transcription factor NAC in wheat: transcriptional actor of the synthesis of reserve proteins and/or regulator of the assimilation and allocation of N and S in the grain?

  • Instruction Budgétaire INRAE BAP 2021-2023
  • Partners: Clermont Auvergne University (Coord.), Caen University, UMR INRAE-UNICAEN 950 Ecophysiologie Végétale, Agronomie & Nutrition N, C & S (EVA), Pr JC Avice.

Blade2025 Wheats for a sustainable and ecologic agriculture.

  • IVD INRAE-AgriObtentions 2021-2025
  • Partners: INRAE, AgriObtentions.

BIOFAIR BIOdiversity of soils and FArming Innovations for improved Resilience in European wheat agrosystems.

  • H2020 BioDivClim 2021-2024
  • Partners: University of Liège, Belgium (Coord.), FiBL Switzerland, Switzerland, FiBL Europe, Belgium, Hohenheim University, Germany, Ghent University, Belgium, Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas - CSIC, Spain, INRAE, France.

Projects 2017

CAP2025 Challenge 1 New small grain cereal ideotypes.

  • ANR 2017-2026
  • Partners: UMR GDEC, UMR PIAF, Limagrain Europe.

Projects 2012

Phenome French Center for Plant Phenotyping.

  • ANR IA 2012-2024
  • Partners: INRAE (Coord.), Cetiom, ARVALIS Institut-du-végétal.