Borjas Esqueda Aldo

2024 - Evaluation of biostimulants of natural origin in order to reinforce the tolerance of wheat plants to environmental stresses linked to climate change (drought and high temperatures)

In order to respond to the imminent threat of global warming and sustainable intensification that today's agriculture is experiencing, the objective of the proposed thesis is the design, development and evaluation of the effect of multifunctional bioformulations (bioprotector/biofertilizing/biostimulant). These bioformulations, elaborated on the basis of polysaccharides from crustaceans and marine algae known as stimulators of plant defenses, will be associated with phosphate and calcium (chitosans and alginates) in order to reduce the impact of drought and high temperatures and to protect plants against pathogens while improving soil structure and fertility. In a first phase, the study will analyze the effect of bioformulations, generated and characterized at the Institut Pascal, under controlled conditions on plants subjected to different abiotic stresses (increased temperatures and drought) by fine physiological measurements of stress tolerance (ROS, antioxidant activities, photosynthesis) and an analysis of molecular mechanisms (transcriptomic analysis by RNASeq). This phase will lead to the selection of the best bioformulations, as well as their doses and conditions of application. In a second phase, the selected bioformulations will be tested under semi-controlled conditions (high throughput phenotyping platform Pheno3C of GDEC-PHACC) and in the field (microplots monitored by the agricultural cooperative Oxyane located near Lyon, in Pusignan). The effectiveness of the treatments will be evaluated by classical agronomic measurements; as well as measurements of the composition and quantity of the grain's reserve proteins, guaranteeing technological quality for bread-making.

Thus, through laboratory assays to field trials, the results of the thesis will ultimately lead to the validation of the effect of formulated biostimulants and will make it possible to propose a combined multistress protection against pathogens and drought.

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