5. Development of a sequence annotation pipeline (TriAnnot)

P. Leroy, N. Guilhot, A. Bernard

Run TriAnnot

TriAnnot is a pipeline (workflow) developed for the structural and functional automatic annotation of monocotyledon genomic sequences. It has been optimized for bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The latest version 2.1 is currently used for the structural and functional automatic annotation of thousands of BACs within the ANR 3BSEQ Project. The main goal of this project is to sequence and annotate the wheat chromosome 3B (1 Gb which represents 3.5 fold the human genome). A friendly web interface as been developed as well for the international community, especially the members of IWGSC, but also laboratories involved in certain monocotyledon genomic projects. The TriAnnot pipeline allows the identification (structural annotation) and the annotation (functional annotation) of genes, tRNAs and repeat sequences especially Transposable Elements which represents more than 85 % of the wheat genome.

Improvements currently ongoing are:

  1. Implementation of new modules using bioinformatics programs which allow the combination of in silico data (ab initio gene prediction) with biological evidences, especially million of RNAseq sequences in collaboration with the respective laboratories who developed these programs (EuGène, Augustus, mgeneNGS).
  2. Implementation of a new module (rnaspace) for the identification and annotation of no coding RNA (ncRNA) and especially micro-RNA (miRNA) in addition to the tRNAs which are already identified by the TriAnnot pipeline, but also the identification of snoRNA, rRNA, etc. This implementation is developed in collaboration with the team of C. Gaspin at INRA Toulouse.