Location map

Location map

Crouël location

By car : join highway A71 and take the exit 16 (Le Brézet, Aulnat). Follow signs for Cournon on road D772. 200m after the second roundabout, turn right for le Chemin du Grand Crouel.

GPS coordinates: N 45 46.529 E 3 08.561

By train : Long-distance traffic from Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux. From SNCF railway station you can take a Taxi (10 min) or the Bus Line 36 for Pont du Château. Get out at the stop INRA Crouël.

By plane :Aulnat airport. From the airport you can take a Taxi (5 min) or the Bus* Line 10 for Durtol. Get out at the stop Herbet. Then take the Line 36 for Pont du Château. Get out at the stop INRA Crouël.

Download the detailed map in PDF format for printing.

Plan simplifié UMR 1095

Cézeaux location

You can get a location map for the Cézeaux location on the web site from Blaise Pascal University.